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Monday - October 30, 2023


(alt. lunches: Mon - yogurt & granola, Tu & Th - ham or turkey sand., Wed & Fri - toasted cheese sandwich, all include main meal veggie, fruit & milk)

Mon 10/30 - Chicken nuggets, buttered noodles, peas, salad, pears & milk

Tues 10/31 - Mummy dogs, baked spider eggs, googly eyed veggie cup, frightful fruity pumpkin, zombie salad, monster munch mix & Troll's drool

Wed 11/1 - Egg and cheese wraps, crackers, broccoli, salad, apples & milk

Thurs 11/2 - BBQ pulled pork on rolls, tater tots, corn, salad, craisins & milk

Fri 11/3 - Pizza quesadillas, carrots & pepper strips, salad, peaches & milk

Important Dates:

Fri 11/3 - Early Release, 12:40pm    P/T Conferences

                Picture Retake Day

Tues 11/7 - No School, Election Day   P/T Conferences

Fri 11/10 - No School, Veteran's Day Holiday

Wed 11/22 - Fri 11/24 - No School, Thanksgiving Break


 Basketball Practices:

Wed 11/1/23

3:00 - 4:00    3/4 Boys

4:00 - 5:30    7/8 Boys

5:30 - 6:45    3/4 Girls

6:45 - 8:15    7/8 Girls

IMPORTANT: All Soccer and XC students please return your uniforms ASAP to Mr. C. Washed and in a bag with your name on it.

October Events at the Chichester Library!

Oct. 23-31 Come into the library in costume and receive a free book and a treat!

Oct. 30  at 6 PM Ghostbusters – Come in costume!

CCS Fundraisers:

Chichester Central School clothing order form

Orders will be taken until November 9th.




Phone #: 

Product #





(A or B)



Total cost

Please make checks payable to CCS and return form to Mrs. Bidwell           final order total:

Style A     Style B    


Product #

Color choices





red, black, royal blue, charcoal





red, black, royal blue, charcoal



#2000B (youth)

red, black, royal blue, charcoal



V-neck t-shirt

Product #

Color choices



5V00L (ladies’)

red, black, navy, charcoal



Long-sleeve t-shirt

Product #

Color choices



#G2400 (adult)

red, black, navy, charcoal



#5400L ((ladies’)

red, black, navy, sport grey





red, black, navy, sport grey



Sweatshirt (with hood)

Product #

Color choices





red, black, navy, Oxford grey





pink, navy, dark grey, black



#996Y (youth)

red, black, royal blue, charcoal



Sweatshirt (no hood)

Product #

Color choices



#18000 (men’s)

red, black, charcoal, navy





red, black, navy, sport grey



Zip-up hoodie

Product #

Color choices



#18600 (men’s)

red, black, navy, sport grey



#18600B (youth)

red, black, navy, sport grey



Add $2 for 2X or 3X sizes


8th grade Wreath Sales

Please support the 8th graders by purchasing a wreath for the holiday season. Each wreath is 12" double ring size (outside diameter 22"). Bow is not included. Cost is $15/wreath. Pick up will be outside the main office/gazebo entrance on Monday, November 20th in the afternoon or Tuesday, November 21st.

Orders will be taken until November 15th - or sooner if we run out. Please order early to be sure to get yours.

Name: _________________________

Child's Class: _____________

Number of wreaths: ______ Total amount paid ($15 ea): _________

Payment: cash ___ check ____ (payable to CCS)

Will pick up Monday 11/20 _______ Tuesday 11/21 _______

Send home with my child ______

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