Thursday - September 5, 2024
Thurs 9/5 Pick-a-Taco, soft or hard shell, chicken or beef, black beans, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, sour cream, guacamole, salsa, pears & milk
Fri 9/6 Ham & cheese sandwiches, pickles, carrots, celery, salad, fresh oranges & milk
Mon 9/9 Fish sticks, bread sticks, salad, Cali mixed veggies, applesauce & milk
Tues 9/10 - NO SCHOOL
Wed 9/11 - Nachos: chips, cheese sauce, rice, lettuce, tomato, jalapeno peppers, onions, corn, beans, salsa, sour cream, guacamole, craisins & milk
Thurs 9/12 - Pizza: cheese, pepperoni, Hawaiian or BBQ chicken, carrots, Caesar salad, croutons, peaches & milk
Fri 9/13 - Hamburger or cheeseburgers, pickles, spinach, fries, salad, kiwi & milk
Tues 9/10 - NO SCHOOL (Voting at CCS)
Fri 9/20 - Picture Day (forms will come home)
Fri 10/11 - NO SCHOOL, Teacher Workshop
Mon 10/14 - NO SCHOOL, Holiday
Mon 11/4 - Early Release Day, 12:40 pm - Parent/Teacher Conf.
Tues 11/5 - NO SCHOOL (voting at CCS) - Parent/Teacher Conf.
Wed 11/27 - Fri 11/29 - NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break
2024-25 ALMA Re-registration: For ALL parents of students who are returning to CCS this year, please be sure to do the re-registration section in ALMA. This will give you the opportunity to double check that all information entered is accurate, make changes or add any additional information we may need to know.
2024-25 Transportation Forms have gone home with the students. Please be sure to fill these out and send back ASAP. This helps us know where your student should be going in the case of an emergency or early school closure due to weather. Thank You
2024-25 Free and Reduced Lunch forms/applications have gone home with students. Please fill these out, even if you don't qualify, and send back to Ravonne in the cafeteria ASAP.
Cross-Country practices will be on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 2:45 until 4:00 PM. All runners meet on the upper field ready to run.