Tuesday - November 22, 2022
Tues 11/22 - Hotdogs on a roll, broccoli, carrots, baked beans, craisins, crackers & milk
Wed 11/23 - NO SCHOOL
Fri 11/25 - NO SCHOOL
****Wreaths have arrived and will need to be picked up.****
Dates to remember:
11/23 - 11/25 - NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break
12/8 - Early Release, Parent/Teacher Conferences
12/9 - No School, Parent/Teacher Conferences
12/10 - PTO Santa Breakfast, 8:00am
12/14 - Winter Concert, 6:00 pm
12/22 - Early Release
12/23 - 1/2/23 - Holiday Break
Important: ALL Soccer Uniforms need to be returned ASAP to Mr. C. Invoices will be mailed this week for those not returned.
K -2 Basketball
The Elementary Basketball Program will be offered for grades K-2 on Saturday mornings
starting January 7 and running to February 18th. Times to be determined as I am awaiting
league schedules for our 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8 teams. It will most likely be a mix of early mornings
and mid afternoons over the 7 weeks.
Cost of the program is $20. Each player will be provided with a shirt they keep.
As this is a program run through the school please be sure your child has a physical on file with
the school’s nurse.
If you have any questions or are interested in coaching or assisting with the program please do
not hesitate to contact me. Mr. Cipriano, acipriano@sau53.org
For grades K-2 please detach and return to my attention by 12/3 in order for shirts to arrive in
time for the first practice.
K-2 Basketball Sign Up
Student Name_________________________ Grade________
Parent Name__________________________ Phone________
Parent email _________________________ Shirt Size (YS, YM, YL, YXL)
2022-23 Basketball 5/6 & 7/8 gr.
Monday: 11/14/22
7/8 Boys 3:00 - 4:30
5/6 Girls 4:30 - 6:00
7/8 Girls 6:00 - 7:30
Tuesday: 11/15/22
7/8 Boys 3:00 - 4:30
7/8 Girls 4:30 - 6:00
3/4 Girls 6:00 - 7:00
Wednesday: 11/16/22
Thursday: 11/17/22
Friday: 11/18/22