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Friday, September 18, 2020

Today's Lunch:  Whole grain Italian toasted cheese, marinara sauce, green beans, salad, peaches and milk


Good Morning CCS Families,

We have quite a few families that have yet to complete the re-enrollment process for the 2020-2021 school year.  This process must be completed at the beginning of each school year, even if your child has attended CCS the previous year.  All information, with links and instructions, on re-enrollment can be found here:

Thank you so much for your help!

Ms. Jessica Snider, Principal

Soccer will begin on Monday, September 21st, at 4:00pm at CCS.
Please be sure to read the following protocols that will be in placefollowing NHIAA Guidelines, phase 3

ALL Staff, volunteers, officials, and athletes must have their temperature checked and complete a Covid-10 Checklist prior to each competitive sporting event, training sessions, or practice. Checklists/Thermometers will be made available. 

Please wait for the temperature check/screening checklist to be completed before dropping your child off and leaving. 

Social distancing, mask and cleaning/disinfecting requirements/guidelines will be followed.  


Please contact Stacy Boyden, CCS Athletic Director, with any questions.

The Chichester Central School School Board is looking to fill 2 to 3

vacancies on the Voluntary School Budget Advisory Group. The objective

of the group is to review and analyze the upcoming school budget and to

present their observations, suggestions and recommendations to the

School Board. This group is made up of registered voters from the town of

Chichester. Members will attend School Board meetings from October -

March in order to hear all pertinent details as the budget develops.

To apply to serve on the Voluntary School Budget Advisory Group, please

submit in writing a letter of intent describing why you would like to serve

and any budgeting experience you have by Monday October 12, 2020 to

Heather Chiavaras at

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