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Good Morning,

Parent Pick-up Information:

  • Parents who are picking up their children are asked to form a line of cars, beginning at the corner of the building (front).   Parents should stay in their cars, and arrangements should be made so that your student can enter the car from the sidewalk (on the right side of the vehicle).  If you need to get out of the car for any reason to assist your child (such as helping with a car seat), or if they can only get in the car from the left side, we ask that you park your car in a parking space, and walk to the door.  There is a bench outside you can wait on. This will assure that children are not running out into the parking lot at a very busy time of the day.
  • Staff members will be identifying parents in cars, and calling for students in the order of car arrival.  Please understand that you may be first in line, but your student might not yet be in the lobby! Please know that there is additional staff just inside the building helping to call on students in order to streamline this process.
  • As children are called, they will be sent (or for younger students, escorted) to their car by a staff member, where they will get in the car from the sidewalk.   Once you are ready, you can exit the pick-up line, just be sure to check behind you first, as this is where buses and other cars are also exiting the parking lot. 
  • Additional items to note:    
  • In order to keep the process moving, and to limit the amount of cars that may be in, or near, the road, we will ALWAYS ask you to pull your car up as far as you can, even if that means escorting/sending your child further up the sidewalk than where you are stopped.  Please be patient. 
  • Remember to send notes in with your child (or emails to the office) if there is a change in who will be picking up your child.  These are very helpful to the staff members on duty, and eliminates the need for the office to contact you to verify permission.  The staff member will ask for identification of this person, until they become familiar. Most people are very understanding of this slight delay - please know it is done with the security and safety of your child in mind!
Oct 5th is the Annual CYA Golf Tournament. Spots for teams and sponsors still available. Visit for all necessary information.   Register today!

Have a great day

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