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Good Morning,

The PTO would like to thank all who participated and attended Sunday's Trunk or Treating. We felt it was a wonderful day spent with friends and neighbors.  We are looking for Toby from prek-K who was dressed up as a Paw Patrol and Abby also from the prek-k group.  They both won prizes from the costume contest, but weren't able to be located so they could receive their ribbons. 

This Saturday is the PTO annual Craft Fair from 9:00-2:00.  PTO sells lunch to customers and vendors.  We are looking for a crock pot of American Chop Suey.  If you can help, please contact Betsy Purvis at

CCS Basketball Information
There will be a 5-8 Grade Basketball Information Meeting with parents 
Tonight, 11/2 in Mr Cipriano's room.
5/6 Boys will meet at 5 p.m.
7/8 Girls will meet at 5:30 p.m.
7/8 Boys will meet at 6 p.m.

NJHS will be baking after school for the craft fair on Sat. Please bring what you signed up for to bake. We should be done by 5:30. Craft fair is 9-2, help is needed from NJHS body to sell the bake goods. They will be using the funds to buy presents at the holidays.

Students in grades 6-8 must have a set of extra ear buds or headphones to keep in their binder or locker for school use. 

Have a great day

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