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Showing posts from May, 2019


Good Morning, 8th Grade Ecology School Trip Our 8th grade students have been having a great week in Maine.  Students should be arriving back at CCS between 1:45-2:15 PM on Friday.  A One-Call phone message will be sent to families after noon on Friday with a more specific arrival time. School Board meets June 5th @ 6:00. The Music Concert scheduled for May 23 has been rescheduled for June 6 @ 6:30. Donuts for Dad will be held on June 14 from 7:30-8:00 am. Call the office (798-5651) to reserve your spot. Department of Education Surveys Many parents and guardians have received a survey in the mail from the NH Department of Education. It is very important to our school that you complete and return the survey.    Your participation in this survey is voluntary and your responses to this survey will be kept confidential. Please complete the survey and return it in the stamped envelope you received OR Go to  to complete the survey online  Please mail or complete


Good Morning, School Board meets June 5th @ 6:00. The Music Concert scheduled for May 23 has been rescheduled for June 6 @ 6:30. Donuts for Dad will be held on June 14 from 7:30-8:00 am. Call the office (798-5651) to reserve your spot. Have a great day


Good Morning, Congratulations to the CCS Boys Baseball Team for their Championship win this past Thursday.  Great teamwork!!!! The Music Concert scheduled for May 23 has been rescheduled for June 6 @ 6:30. Donuts for Dad will be held on June 14 from 7:30-8:00 am. Call the office (798-5651) to reserve your spot. Have a great day  

CCS Track News

Congratulations to Luke Harlow and Jimmy Valotto who competed in the track and field league championship yesterday. Both had fantastic performances. Luke was runner up in the 100m, 200m (PR) and 3rd in the long jump(PR) and Jimmy was 3rd in the shot put (PR).  Both qualified in their events for the Meet of Champions to be held June 4th.  The track and field team finishes up their season on Thursday at Northwood. 


Good Morning, There will be a Robotics meeting today after school until 4:00 for grades 4-7. Enrichment activities are scheduled for this Thursday afternoon. The Music Concert scheduled for May 23 has been rescheduled for June 6 @ 6:30. No School Friday, May 24-Teacher Workshop No School Monday, May 27-Memorial Day. Donuts for Dad will be held on June 14 from 7:30-8:00 am. Call the office (798-5651) to reserve your spot. Have a great day


Good Morning, Enrichment activities are scheduled for this Thursday afternoon. The Music Concert scheduled for May 23 has been rescheduled for June 6 @ 6:30. No School Friday, May 24-Teacher Workshop No School Monday, May 27-Memorial Day. Donuts for Dad will be held on June 14 from 7:30-8:00 am. Call the office (798-5651) to reserve your spot. Have a great day


Good Morning, Enrichment activities are scheduled for this Thursday afternoon. The Music Concert scheduled for May 23 has been rescheduled for June 6 @ 6:30. No School Friday, May 24-Teacher Workshop No School Monday, May 27-Memorial Day. Donuts for Dad will be held on June 14 from 7:30-8:00 am. Call the office (798-5651) to reserve your spot. Have a great day


Good Morning, The Music Concert scheduled for May 23 has been rescheduled for June 6 @ 6:30. No School Friday, May 24-Teacher Workshop No School Monday, May 27-Memorial Day Have a great day


Good Morning, There will be a robotics meeting for grades 4-7 TODAY after school until 4. School Board meets tonight @ 6:00. Click here for info on Penny Wars Have a great day


Good Morning, There will be a robotics meeting for grades 4-7 on Wednesday after school until 4. School Board meets May 15 @ 6:00. Click here for info on Penny Wars Have a great day


Good Morning, The PTO would like to thank all who contributed to the Teacher Luncheon.  The food was delicious and greatly appreciated. 2019-2020 Incoming Kindergarten "ROUND-UP" will be on Monday, May 13.  Please call the office (798-5651) for more information and to set up a time to participate.  Your child  NEEDS  to be registered to participate in this event.   School Board meets May 15 @ 6:00. Spring Concert May 23 @ 6:30. Have a great weekend


Good Morning, Reminder:8th grade informational parent meeting for The Ecology School trip is Tonight May 8th at 6pm in Mrs. Lakeman's room. Please bring all the necessary paperwork filled out. Principal Search Public Forum   Come join other interested CCS families and Chichester residents in a discussion with Superintendent Peter Warburton and Chichester School Board Chair Heather Chiavaras   to discuss the traits and     qualities desired in the next Principal of Chichester Central School.  Thursday, May 9th, 7 PM at CCS.  Please click here for more information Do you love designing? Building? Working with a team? Are you competitive or a great problem solver? Consider joining the Chichester RamBots VEX IQ Robotics Team. On Wednesday, May 8th we will have an Informational Meeting after school until 4 for any interested students who are currently in 4-7th grade (5th -8th next school year). We hope you can join us Muffins for Mom The PTO would like to invite a


Good Morning, Principal Search Public Forum   Come join other interested CCS families and Chichester residents in a discussion with Superintendent Peter Warburton and Chichester School Board Chair Heather Chiavaras   to discuss the traits and     qualities desired in the next Principal of Chichester Central School.  Thursday, May 9th, 7 PM at CCS.  Please click here for more information Do you love designing? Building? Working with a team? Are you competitive or a great problem solver? Consider joining the Chichester RamBots VEX IQ Robotics Team. On Wednesday, May 8th we will have an Informational Meeting after school until 4 for any interested students who are currently in 4-7th grade (5th -8th next school year). We hope you can join us A message from the PTO: Thank you to all those have reached out to bring something for the potluck luncheon on Thursday May 9th. We are in need of a couple more main dishes. If you are able to help, please contact Heather Chiavaras at


Good Morning, Rams-Run-4-Recess is this morning.  Come cheer on the students and staff!! A message from the PTO: Thank you to all those have reached out to bring something for the potluck luncheon on Thursday May 9th. We are in need of a couple more main dishes. If you are able to help, please contact Heather Chiavaras at  or 491-9653. Muffins for Mom The PTO would like to invite all moms....or anyone like a mom to Muffins for Moms on Friday May 10th at 7:30. If you and your child are able to join us, please rsvp to Mrs. Plunkett at 798-5651 by Weds. May 8th.  Please click here for info on Muffins for Mom 2019-2020 Incoming Kindergarten "ROUND-UP" will be on Monday, May 13.  Please call the office (798-5651) for more information and to set up a time to participate.  Your child  NEEDS  to be registered to participate in this event.   7th grade Uncle Jerry's Tees fundraiser deadline has been extended to Mon. May 6th. All


Good Morning, Rams Run-4-Recess has been postponed until Monday, May 6.  Please have your children dress for weather and wear older sneakers, due to the wet conditions.  Make sure to apply bug spray at home.   A note from the PTO: Next week is teacher/staff appreciation week. Each year one of the teachers and staffs favorite things is the annual Pot-Luck luncheon. This year it will be on Thursday May 7th.  Are you able to make a salad or do you have a great main dish you make?  We have a list of needed food items to make the luncheon a success. If you would like to contribute, please contact Heather Chiavaras at  or 491-9653. Thank you in advance for your help.  Please click here for info on Muffins for Mom 7th grade Uncle Jerry's Tees fundraiser deadline has been extended to Mon. May 6th. All orders and money are due then. Reminder:8th grade informational parent meeting for The Ecology School trip is May 8th at 6pm in Mrs. Lakeman's room.


Good Morning, Please click here for info on Muffins for Mom 7th grade Uncle Jerry's Tees fundraiser deadline has been extended to Mon. May 6th. All orders and money are due then. Reminder:8th grade informational parent meeting for The Ecology School trip is May 8th at 6pm in Mrs. Lakeman's room. Please bring all the necessary paperwork filled out. A note from the PTO: Next week is teacher/staff appreciation week. Each year one of the teachers and staffs favorite things is the annual Pot-Luck luncheon. This year it will be on Thursday May 7th.  Are you able to make a salad or do you have a great main dish you make?  We have a list of needed food items to make the luncheon a success. If you would like to contribute, please contact Heather Chiavaras at  or 491-9653. Thank you in advance for your help.  Rams Run-4-Recess is this Friday, May 3.  All students need to return their  signed  permission slips for the event and any donations ASAP.