Good Morning, Art Club today until 4:00. A note from the PTO: Next week is teacher/staff appreciation week. Each year one of the teachers and staffs favorite things is the annual Pot-Luck luncheon. This year it will be on Thursday May 7th. Are you able to make a salad or do you have a great main dish you make? We have a list of needed food items to make the luncheon a success. If you would like to contribute, please contact Heather Chiavaras at or 491-9653. Thank you in advance for your help. Click here for the latest CCS Express Newsletter Rams Run-4-Recess is this Friday, May 3. All students need to return their signed permission slips for the event and any donations ASAP. Spring pictures May 1. Save the date : Muffins for Moms to celebrate Mother's Day will be on Friday, May 10, from 7:30-8:10 AM. More information and how to sign-up will be shared soon. 2019-2020 Incoming Kindergarten "ROUND-...