Good Morning, Thank you to all who participated in the spaghetti dinner fundraiser and came for the Multicultural Fair tour. It was a great night for CCS. No School-Winter Break February 26-March 2 . School resumes Monday, March 5 . 8th grade parents - Don't forget that any yearbook "ads" for your child are due by this Friday . Other items due: 1 baby picture and 3 pictures from over the years Pictures can be emailed to: . School District Mtg is Saturday, March 10 at 9 AM. This meeting is for all Chichester residents. At this meeting, the town votes on the 2018-19 school district budget and other warrant articles and business items. This is an important meeting for all residents to take part as it affects our school and programs. Chichester Youth Baseball & Softball Registration Deadline is February 23rd . Forms can be found online at chichest...