Good Morning, Just a couple of summer items... Chichester Central School Summer Update Plenty of new books have arrived for next year! And there are still more coming including all of this year's Ladybug Award and Great Stone Face Award nominees! If you would like a chance to see some of the new collection, or maybe check out an old favorite, the CCS library will be open on July 19, August 2 and August 16 from 6-7 pm. Grade 5-8 summer reading books will be available for check while they last. If you would like to keep track of summer happenings at the CCS library visit our website at or follow us on Instagram @ccslibraryqueen. All students of Chichester Central are challenged to keep their math skills sharp this summer by participating in the summer IXL challenge. All students have passwords and access to their account and are challenged to complete 10 hours of math skills practice at...